It's been a long, long time since I've done any scrapbooking. Probably since we moved into our new home. Today I received in the mail some nifty new scrapbooking software to help me catch up with the millions of photos I need to preserve. Unfortunately my shots I received earlier this week have seemed to have hurt more than help so I've been in my pjs today with plenty of downtime to fiddle around with the new program. It is called Memory Mixer and it really user friendly.
The nice thing is that there are plenty of different downloads available, papers, embellishments and alphas so you don't get bored. The possibilities are endless. If I didn't have an order of over 500 stitch markers to fill I could see myself getting sucked into this.
The nice thing is that there are plenty of different downloads available, papers, embellishments and alphas so you don't get bored. The possibilities are endless. If I didn't have an order of over 500 stitch markers to fill I could see myself getting sucked into this.
But I do think I will bring my computer along for the scrap I'm attending on Super Bowl Sunday. I wonder how many pages I can get done?