Sunday, November 15, 2009

Lily's sweater

I know I promised some shoe pictures, but I'm behind on taking pictures of my new acquisitions so for now this will have to satisfy my readers who share my addiction. Aren't these the loveliest little sheep slippers? I bought them at Bath and Body works, they also have a matching sleep mask and a robe out of the same fabric that might make it on my list for Santa. Lily likes to chew on the sheep's ears so maybe even a back up pair is in order. Today I spent the day snuggled in by the fire, appreciating the snow outside the window from my cozy seat while knitting Lily a sweater. She gets a chill when she rides with me in the car and it isn't warm yet so this should give her a little extra protection from the elements.

I picked up some Vanna's choice at Joanne's the other day and I am pleasantly surprised at how nice a hand it has. It isn't squeaky acrylic like Red Heart but rather comparable to Plymouth Encore however much less expensive. I think I may use it in the future for kids, dogs, charity or any other washable required items.
She wears it well, the only problem is getting her to sit still while I take a picture. I think the cat that was just below on the stairs was a bit of a distraction.

This week I'll see to getting around to taking some pics, my new Uggs are awesome! And I have some nice spinning to share!


Karen said...

Cute little pup! Very nice sweater :)

Tattooed and Crafty said...
